how to clean around braces

Five Tips for Keeping Braces Clean

August 3rd, 2020

With traditional braces, it can take a little practice to make sure you’re getting your mouth clean. Here are five things to do if you’re a new orthodontic patient or have a few hard-to-reach areas:


Invest in an Electric Toothbrush

Now is the perfect time to be using a powered toothbrush. Just remember that you get what you pay for. A soft-bristled, ultrasonic toothbrush is ideal. Hold the bristles in place and allow the brush to do the work for you. Use it twice a day for two minutes.


Consider Using a Water Flosser

Water flossers seem a little messy at first, but with plenty of practice, they’re a great tool to have on hand. The steady stream of water makes it easy to clean around orthodontic appliances, along gumlines, and between teeth. Some models even have interchangeable tips or a version that mounts in the shower (for less mess!)


Proxy-brushes are Your Friend

They go by many different names, but these tufted, Christmas-tree shaped brushes resemble a tapered pipe cleaner on the end of a toothbrush handle. They’re great for brushing between brackets and removing food that’s caught under your archwires.


Use Fluoride Rinse/Gel Daily

Plaque etches and “eats away” at tooth enamel. If you supplement with a daily fluoride, you can counteract the tooth decay process to keep your smile healthy. Dr. Milstein may recommend a prescription gel or rinse, depending on your oral health history.


Schedule Regular Checkups and Cleanings

No matter how great your oral hygiene is, there will likely be a few areas that get plaque and tartar buildup over time. So always be sure to schedule a six-month cleaning with your hygienist, especially while you’re wearing braces.


For more tips and tricks on how to clean around braces, contact our Granite Bay orthodontic office!


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